Monday, November 3, 2014


There's a scene in my favorite movie.
Two lovers holding hands, a sunset
a small house molded to her liking, a quiet beauty.
sapling life a soft vignette.

There's a scene in my favorite movie
the part that makes me weep
his hands grasp the thin bony palm
of the frame of the quiet beauty, asleep
A hospital, chords of fluid, a psalm

There's a scene in my favorite movie
his hands glide along the stone,
the hallowed ground, the grave.
fingers trace the etched-in words
marble as cold as death.

The credits roll.

There's a scene in my favorite movie
Most of the crowds left now
but I know to wait
till the words on the screen have scrolled to the end
and finally you'll see
Two lovers kiss, lips dry and cracked
but only a thought of love.
Together forever no pain, no sickness, no harsh air
that will keep them apart again.