Sunday, February 10, 2013

Baby Don't Hurt Me.

Song of the Day: Higher Love - James Vincent McMorrow


When "Googled" love brings up about 1,520,000,000,000 search results. I think "how is this possible". No one knows what love is. It's stupid really. We're all just trying to live and stay alive, and some of mankind are trying out love, like it's some kind of nasty drug. It's like an unnecessary detour away from surviving. I guess maybe love might just be nature's way of tricking us into reproducing. Because I guess that has to happen for out species to survive. So love is just an excuse to get into someones pants? Cool. Thanks Nature.
This has all been pretty pessimistic, I guess. I believe in love. Kind of like I believe that someday I'll be happy for real, and kind of like how I want to believe that there's gunna be trumpets at the judgement day, I'm not preaching to the choir here, I want to believe in a lot of things, I'm just afraid that expectations I have are to hard to live up to. Somewhere out there there's a perfect love maybe, and it's beautiful and full and unconditional. This love is a forest fire, so beautiful, and destructive. Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, and trusting them not to. Love is the sun, a star. I hope that love is warm. Love is black barbed wire, twisted and gnarled. Love is morning dew on grass. Love, is a clean shave.

Love is a temporary insanity.

Love is breathlessness, it is excitement, it is not the proclamation of passion, the eternal kind of passion. Love shouldn't be the urge to have sex every second minute of every day, it is not lying in bed at night imagining that you are being kissed all over. No, please don't blush, some people actually believe that, I think. You can be "in love" with any old fool darling, Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is a tragedy a fortunate accident, and an art. 
Love is a cold blindfolded kiss. 
Love is a violin bow.
Love is the long wait for a train to take you far away.
Love is a stained glass window.

You're afraid to live, you're afraid to die. 
What a way to exist.

Love, Alex


  1. I know this might seem awkward, but regardless of our genders, can we get married?
    Even just a little?
    I'm just saying, I'm falling in love with you through your words.

  2. Maybe we can also be married... because all you need is love.
    "love is a violin bow"- that gave me chills.
    This is a beautiful piece.

  3. Love is temporary insanity.

    Or eternal insanity.

    But that's ok, because insanity is kind of refreshing amidst a crowd of sanes.

  4. i absolutely LOVE this. pun intended

  5. "When "Googled" love brings up about 1,520,000,000,000 search results. I think "how is this possible". No one knows what love is."
    -i adored it
